mar 2 2024
DRIVE MOYA – „The Great End“
(Noise Appeal Records/Bite It Promotion/Sony Music Entertainment) 2024.
Dream pop/shoegaze/post rock/grunge – AUSTRIA
Drive Moya is one of the groups that in a short time, since the release of their second album in row, made after a break of five years from the release of their debut album, drew the attention of the critical public to their current musical thoughts.
mar 22 2024
„Vreme posle“ EP..novo izdanje beogradskog sastava Virvel!
Pioniri pre svega ovdašnjih shoegaze tendencija, ali i drugih alter /lo-fi varijanti, sastav Virvel, ovih dana je na relevantnim streaming portalima postavio svoje novo izdanje. Reč je o EP-u, na kojem se našlo 4 numere naziva „Vreme posle“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja • • Tags: Bandcamp, Branimir Lokner, Dejan Drobac, EP, Nova izdanja, shoegaze, Tijana Drobac, Time Machine Music, Virvel, Vladimir Ljubinković, Vreme posle, Zoran Stojičić