LOUIS JUCKER – „Something Went Wrong“

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( Hummus Records/Bite It Promotions ) 2020.
Experimental/indie/alter rock/noise – SWITZERLAND

Singer/songwriter and underground artist/activist Louis Jucker is I believe unknown to audience in Serbia and former Yugoslavian countries. But, his activities, experience and legacy isn’t small, or uninterested, and for a years, he has given and still offer specific author’s works and sensibilities.
He is also owner of „Hummus Records“, place for his and other unusual realizations/products/albums.




„Something Went Wrong“ actual album with 10 tracks in, is a sort of self-portrait, with rough rock including, lo-fi emotions and noise experimentation too. All of presented songs are different among themselves, and also different atmosphere is constant signature of complete album as well. Mr.Jucker uses a humble instrumental following, where his vocal conversation, or better to say  authentic monologue, led the songs psychology all the time.





It’s not easy to enter in the world of Louis Jucker, but he have many interesting things to say. His album is complex realization with many hidden undiscovered places.






