(Spooky Moon Records/Hemifran)2015.
USA singer/songwriter Wendy Webb has released her 4th album, entitled „This Is The Moment“.
As the case was with her previous releases, we can find here also similar pastiche, emotions, feelings and approach.
Wendy in her own way musically incorporate elements of pop, soft rock, soul pop, blues in her sound, but the key moments in her authors views are lyrics, where emotional and gentle stories occupie presented songs. Convinceble and precise arrangements are followed by slower, or song done in mid to mid-up tempo, but one typical and clear attitude draw the tunes from album.
„Her songs has something of so call „retro“ initiations, and one 70’s look also can be seen on presented tracks. If you are a follower of same old (gentle) feelings, „This Is The Moment“ is album, just for your taste.
Wendy Webb je singer/songwriter, čija karijera kontinuirano traje poslednjih godina. Krajem 2015-e, objavila je svoje četvrto po redu albumsko izdanje, naziva – „This Is The Moment“, a koncept koji je ponudila na ovom, sličnog je senzibiliteta kao i na prethodnim ostvarenjima.
Na neki svoj način, Wendy kombinuje elemente popa, soft rocka, soul-popa i bluesa, ali u centru svega su tekstovi, koji na emotivan način isporučuju njene lične priče.
Sofisticirani , ozbiljni i ubedljivi aranžmani su praćeni songovima, koji su urađeni u sporijem ili srednjem tempu. Kroz njen opus, oseti se i jedan 70’s retro look, koji na određen način reflektuje i njen kreativni odnos prema pomenutoj dekadi. Ovde je sve urađeno na jedan ozbiljan, neću reći profesionalan način, jer bi se to trebalo podrazumevati, ali ako ste naklonjeni starijem načinu tretiranja emotivnosti kroz pesme, ili ako ste jednostavno romantični, „This Is The Moment“ je album za vaš ukus.
mar 28 2016
WENDY WEBB – „This Is The Moment“
USA singer/songwriter Wendy Webb has released her 4th album, entitled „This Is The Moment“.
As the case was with her previous releases, we can find here also similar pastiche, emotions, feelings and approach.
Wendy in her own way musically incorporate elements of pop, soft rock, soul pop, blues in her sound, but the key moments in her authors views are lyrics, where emotional and gentle stories occupie presented songs. Convinceble and precise arrangements are followed by slower, or song done in mid to mid-up tempo, but one typical and clear attitude draw the tunes from album.
„Her songs has something of so call „retro“ initiations, and one 70’s look also can be seen on presented tracks. If you are a follower of same old (gentle) feelings, „This Is The Moment“ is album, just for your taste.
Na neki svoj način, Wendy kombinuje elemente popa, soft rocka, soul-popa i bluesa, ali u centru svega su tekstovi, koji na emotivan način isporučuju njene lične priče.
Sofisticirani , ozbiljni i ubedljivi aranžmani su praćeni songovima, koji su urađeni u sporijem ili srednjem tempu. Kroz njen opus, oseti se i jedan 70’s retro look, koji na određen način reflektuje i njen kreativni odnos prema pomenutoj dekadi. Ovde je sve urađeno na jedan ozbiljan, neću reći profesionalan način, jer bi se to trebalo podrazumevati, ali ako ste naklonjeni starijem načinu tretiranja emotivnosti kroz pesme, ili ako ste jednostavno romantični, „This Is The Moment“ je album za vaš ukus.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •