(Glitterbeat) 2018.
Afro-Brazilian groove/funk/jazz/dub – BRAZIL
Bixiga 70 su renomirani 10-to člani sastav iz Sao Paola, Brazil, aktivan već neko vreme na sceni. U svetu world music dešavanja, kao i groove tendencija važe za respektabilno ime i sastav čiji svaki sledeći album se sa nestrpljenjem očekuje.
“Quebra Cabeca” je njihovo 4-to po redu ostvarenje, a drugi album kojeg objavljuju za “Glitterbeat” etiketu. Na pre svega uzbudljiv i muzički stilizovan način, ovaj instrumentalni sastav ispituje Afro-Brazilsku tradiciju i korene, distribuirajući kroz moćne aranžmane snažne groove fraze, džezirana “ispade”, funk, dub i ethno elemente. Njihova muzika je bogata raznorodnim ritmovima, čestim promenama raspoloženja i nijednog trenutka slušaocu njihov pristup, kao i krajnja poruka se ne mogu činiti nezanimljivim ili slučajno dosadnim.
Postavu ovog sastava takođe čine vrlo usvirani i uigrani profesionalci, čiji nijedan izveden ton nije suvišan.
“Quebra Cabeca” je sjajno izdanje, koje prosto tera na česta preslušavanja.
Bixiga 70 are well-known act from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with 1o members line-up, active for some time on the scene. In the world of world music happenings, and the places where groove tendencies are valid, they are more than respectable name.
“Quebra Cabeca” is their 4th release, and the second album they publish for “Glitterbeat” label. In exciting and musically stylized way, their instrumental composition examines the Afro-Brazilian tradition and roots, distributing powerful strings of phrases, delivered also jazzy riffs, as same as funk, dub, and ethno elements through powerful arrangements as well. Their music is rich in diverse rhythms and frequent mood changes, so its final message can not seem uninteresting or accidentally boring. The composition of this band is also made up of very well-trained professionals. All other technical details as same as production, are done with higher qualities.
“Quebra Cabeca” is a great release, which simply leads to frequent repeatable listeners attention.
avg 28 2018
BIXIGA 70 – Quebra Cabeca
Afro-Brazilian groove/funk/jazz/dub – BRAZIL
Bixiga 70 su renomirani 10-to člani sastav iz Sao Paola, Brazil, aktivan već neko vreme na sceni. U svetu world music dešavanja, kao i groove tendencija važe za respektabilno ime i sastav čiji svaki sledeći album se sa nestrpljenjem očekuje.
“Quebra Cabeca” je njihovo 4-to po redu ostvarenje, a drugi album kojeg objavljuju za “Glitterbeat” etiketu. Na pre svega uzbudljiv i muzički stilizovan način, ovaj instrumentalni sastav ispituje Afro-Brazilsku tradiciju i korene, distribuirajući kroz moćne aranžmane snažne groove fraze, džezirana “ispade”, funk, dub i ethno elemente. Njihova muzika je bogata raznorodnim ritmovima, čestim promenama raspoloženja i nijednog trenutka slušaocu njihov pristup, kao i krajnja poruka se ne mogu činiti nezanimljivim ili slučajno dosadnim.
“Quebra Cabeca” je sjajno izdanje, koje prosto tera na česta preslušavanja.
Bixiga 70 are well-known act from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with 1o members line-up, active for some time on the scene. In the world of world music happenings, and the places where groove tendencies are valid, they are more than respectable name.
“Quebra Cabeca” is their 4th release, and the second album they publish for “Glitterbeat” label. In exciting and musically stylized way, their instrumental composition examines the Afro-Brazilian tradition and roots, distributing powerful strings of phrases, delivered also jazzy riffs, as same as funk, dub, and ethno elements through powerful arrangements as well. Their music is rich in diverse rhythms and frequent mood changes, so its final message can not seem uninteresting or accidentally boring. The composition of this band is also made up of very well-trained professionals. All other technical details as same as production, are done with higher qualities.
“Quebra Cabeca” is a great release, which simply leads to frequent repeatable listeners attention.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •