SWEET BOURBON – „Night Turned Into Day“

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SWEET BOURBON..Night Turned Into Day..CDCover(Bourbon records) 2017.
Blues rock/blues /roots music – HOLLAND

Sweet Bourbon are newer act on worldwide blues rock /roots music sky. In the second part of previous 2017 year, they have released a debut, entitled „Night Turned Into Day“, with 11 tracks in.
This 8 piece band has sounded fresh and exciting with its vision of blues/blues rock and roots music variants as well.

Its songs are warm, pretty melodic, with constant so call communication between guitar and keybord lines. Some of songs are more closer to classic bluesy tendencies, other posses more  funkiest phrases, some of them remind on texas style , and we can also find few down tempo tunes as well.

Sweet Bourbon also introduced themselves as a authors act, with modern vision of nowadays roots music. Don’t hesitate to find’em…

