(Zoharum/Koto) 2024.
Various electronic genres – POLAND
Behind the name Zle Oko is the Polish artists Olga23 from Warsaw, who after her debut album, recently recorded her second realization called „Xenos“. This is the album with 9 tracks in, where we can face it with different ideas, and different electronic approaches.

The artist herself describes her expression as feminoise – drone – punk, where chaotic rhythms, industrial sound, urbanized ideas with challenging arrangements are present on all of 9 tracks from the album. This is on the one hand, an extremely modern and challenging release for the listener, where the influences from previous decades should no be left out. Many different ideas and different visible thoughts are promoted through the presented themes and sound, and it must be admitted that a remarkable effort has been made, so that the music itself gains some of its conceptuality.
It is a very creative achievement that also requires relevant listening knowledge of the potential consumer.
jun 17 2024
ZLE OKO – „Xenos“
(Zoharum/Koto) 2024.
Various electronic genres – POLAND
Behind the name Zle Oko is the Polish artists Olga23 from Warsaw, who after her debut album, recently recorded her second realization called „Xenos“. This is the album with 9 tracks in, where we can face it with different ideas, and different electronic approaches.
The artist herself describes her expression as feminoise – drone – punk, where chaotic rhythms, industrial sound, urbanized ideas with challenging arrangements are present on all of 9 tracks from the album. This is on the one hand, an extremely modern and challenging release for the listener, where the influences from previous decades should no be left out. Many different ideas and different visible thoughts are promoted through the presented themes and sound, and it must be admitted that a remarkable effort has been made, so that the music itself gains some of its conceptuality.
It is a very creative achievement that also requires relevant listening knowledge of the potential consumer.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: Branimir Lokner, drone, Electronic, feminoise, International reviews, Koto, Olga23, punk, Time Machine Music, Warsaw, Xenos, Zle Oko, Zoharum